Friday, June 15, 2007

Aunt Natalie

Well thank goodness for Aunts! They ROCK! In fact I couldn't get even a hi or I missed you while you were away from my kids. That is when you know they were well taken care (spoiled :) ). It tickled me to see how M just clung onto Aunt Natty! She needed that extra attention and fussing over. Besides M is Aunt Natty long lost twin, so many of their mannerisms are the same.

We were so glad to get Aunt Natty here. It wasn't the easiest thing. Her flights were canceled, we still had to fly out and we were leaving the two older kids, who would watch them? what if Natalie couldn't get here at all , than what? This was supposed to be easy this time. We couldn't get a flight in until about 7 hours after ours was scheduled to take off. So a HUGE THANK YOU to all of my friends who really pulled through for me and had me covered. Oh the story doesn't end there... Natalie had never been here before we were supposed to have a day to orient her to our place and where the kids needed to be. KUDOS to mapquest! We dropped our kids off at our friends and then took two cars to the airport one in long-term parking the other in short-term parking to leave for Natalie to take back home. Our flight was delayed and then delayed again for another hour and a half. I had tried earlier to change my flight to fly out the following morning but it was going to cost $1200, ouch!!! So after the delay and not wanting to get stuck at the airport far away from our comfy bed, they let us reschedule until the morning. YEAH! So after paying for babysitting and airport parking fees we are feeling so rich! But hey I got to pick up Natalie and take her on a midnight driving tour of all the places she needed to be that day. Justin, L and I then headed to the airport too early in the morning, to arrive at the ticket counter and no reservation for us.....baffling, as Justin had received a confirmation number from the agent who helped us the following night. FULL FLIGHT I overheard them say.... Justin and I were wondering if we would ever get to go to this interview. Phew they found us some seats, printed out boarding passes and we were heading through security with only 30 minutes before the plane was scheduled to take off. Luckily security was very effiecent. We checked our boarding passes and there were no seats listed...AHH were we on stand by? So I was waiting in line at the desk by the gate. Then I saw a familiar face, the woman who helped us at the ticket counter. She had ran all the way to the gate to give us the boarding passes with our seats on it. I was completely shocked. She didn't have to do that! Amazing service (I will be writing the company to let them know!) Then she scanned us in and we walked in to the gate on red carpet (she helped us bypass the line of other passengers waiting to get on the plane) And we were on our way! We had to hit the ground running but we had a great interview and they offered Justin the job.... Now it is decision time... I can't believe it is here, after 2 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, 4 years of residency (1 more to go), 10 years of marriage we will actually have a REAL job!

1 comment:

Lanna said...

Maybe I missed it, but I don't think you mentioned WHERE this job is! If you don't want to post it here, e-mail me! Enquiring minds want to know. Congrats on the job offer!