Monday, August 27, 2007

Sleep tight..

Don't let the bed bugs bite! This saying has taken on a whole new meaning for our family. We are cursing our apartment and CT for the plentiful amounts of bugs. We don't know where on earth they came from but they are a current guest at our house. Don't you worry it will be a short stay. I already took everything out of our room. Vaccuumed, steamed, through stuff in the dryer, (would be washing too but washing machine broke last night, getting a new one tomorrow), threw out a ton of stuff because I was so grossed out (good for having to pack less later), bought really expensive mattress covers and the exterminator will be coming as well. Why is this happening? I can't really tell you other than this is our second unwanted infestation on insect creatures in less than a month. I don't know why the other 4 years we lived in this same apartment nothing ever happened like this but we are grossed out. 9 months and counting.....the seconds until we are done with this apartment.


Freer Family said...

Hey there Ash! I found you thru' Cammie's blog. How are you? I have missed you. Your blog is so fun. Your kids are gorgeous and so grown up. I seriously can't believe how big Aidan is, I remember you dancing in the tunnel 9 months pregnant with him, lol. Anyways, it's good to see ya!

Lanna said...

Porter likes to say, "Good night, sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite. If they do, beat them 'til they're black and blue!" Sorry to hear about your itsy bitsy problem.

Ashley said...

Hey there Nicole. I have been meaning to post a comment on yours. I will next time I visit.

Lanna we need to adopt that saying in our house now. Where is Porter when I need him?!