okay well I really didn't have to dive in. The reward for taking out the trash was hanging wire baskets for my laundry closet. I was admiring Hillary's a few weeks ago and thought I would love them but it really is pointless to go buy them because of the short amount of time we have left. Nevermind, the fact that Justin would strangle me if I bought anything more for this apartment (especially organizing stuff). There is nothing like an organized closet to make me smile. I would like to think of myself as organized but the reality is my life is pretty choatic so I have figured out that I crave order because everything is so out of order. So a dedication post to dumpster diving was in order. What will I do without our big dumpsters when we get a house? I guess I will have to resort to robbing the neighbors trash ;). Seriously though we have found really good things sitting to the side of the dumpsters and occasionally sitting inside (thankfully not buried in rubbish). Just to list a few 2 bikes (we gave one away and kept one that will eventually be M's but A is riding it for now, it is a girly one but he doesn't care, "it's a bike and I like to ride it, who cares what others think!" It was a proud mommy moment)A little tikes car has been a source of much entertainment for the last few years we have had it (L will love it next spring). Do you remember the Big Wheels? The glory days cruising around on Big Wheels (with a red cape) and feeling so big. Well we found one of them in the dumpster too. M rode it a lot last spring and now we have passed it on. Hopefully it will be just as enjoyed. Oh another recent find was a wooden dowel drying rack for clothes. I had the exact same one but the kids just broke a couple of the bottom dowels. I was content on just making it work as we don't want to buy anything like I mentioned before. Well another reward for taking out the trash, there was a rack just lying there in the relatively empty dumpster waiting for me to replace it. YIPPIE!!! Here is a pic of my laundry closet with the baskets. SMILE!
Sounds like a score!!! It's like the clothes drop-bins, people are always leaving stuff by those even though it says not too.
The title of your post just totally reminded me of the janitor at the Registrar's Office. Do you remember? The dumpster diving guy!
Cammie, no I don't. it vaguely sounds familiar but it has been too long I guess. remind me
you have to love good finds! i always keep my eyes open for things people put out to the curb-we have found some great stuff that way. the closet looks great!
If only my laundry room looked so good. I'd have to organize my husband first since he dumps his smelly gym clothes and bag in the middle of the floor. Do they have those at dumpsters, too? :)
Yep, the title cracked me up too.
I totally remember that Cammie. LOL!
Awesome dumpster finds Ash!
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