Justin got the kids bathed, ready for church and made waffles for breakfast!!! Then also took wiggly, loud 19 month old L out, so I could actually sit through sacrament meeting. Well to the end of a good day....M took a spill and hit her head on the edge of the bricks on the fireplace. Of course, right in the middle of her forehead. I am not very strong on this part, I always have to put on a good face and talk calmly so that I can calm down. Justin recruited
Kyle to come over and help with a blessing and assist in stitching. M was freaking out about getting stitches and I was concerned we would have to go the ED to get her sedated. Daddy was soo good and calmed her down.
Hillary came over just before the stitching began. She brought a yellow gerber daisy to help M feel better. She clutched onto it the whole time and still hasn't let it go. M keeps saying "Wasn't that so nice of Hillary to give me this flower. She gave it to me to help me be brave, and patient and to help me feel better." THANK YOU HILLARY!!!! and Kyle too. Especially to be so willing to help on Mother's Day. M is doing well, in fact, Justin said I swear there was only Lidocaine and epinephrine. She is a little slap happy and totally relieved to have it over. After she gets done telling us about how nice Hillary is, she then says "that wasn't so bad and now if I ever have to get stitches again I will be soo brave."
Happy Mother's Day! Hope M feels better. Thank goodness for your hubby and friends to help out so you didn't have to go to the hospital!
Oh my goodness! Poor brave M. So kind of Hillary to come and bring that flower. And for Kyle to assist.
And good job Ash for keeping a calm front going... so very hard to see our precious babies hurting. Especially when there's blood involved.
Oh, and Happy Mothers Day.
That is so cute about the flower!! I had no idea it would be that big of a hit... I had hoped it would serve as somewhat of a distraction at best! :) She was so cute and brave... glad we could be of service. Kyle is more than excited to assist in anything that involves anything relating to medicine.
Talk to you soon!
That's when having a doctor for a dad comes in very handy. She is so cute!
Now she and Hailey will have matching scars!! What are we going to do with these pretty little girls?
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