Friday, May 30, 2008

spilled orange juice

Okay I have to admit I was reading my friend Sara's blog and had to write about what happened tonight. I cleaned out part of the bathroom cupboards and had a large trash bag full of stuff that needed to be taken out and I needed to get away from my children. I stopped by Kristen's on my way back to check in and see what time they were heading out. So of course I was a little more than a minute but not too long. I came back to M, mopping up orange juice with an entire roll of paper towels. "Mom I spilled the orange juice but I am cleaning it up." Well as much as my insides were going crazy (It was a gallon's worth of orange juice). How could I get mad at that????!!!! She has a problem and she was solving it. I suggested getting a bath towel as that might be a little easier to soak up the large quantity of liquid. She successfully cleaned it up. Then she wanted milk. I helped her with it. I only poured a small amount. She was upset because she wanted more. I calmly said you may have more when you finish that. The milk was quickly drank and she wanted more. I poured a small amount again. (Good rule of thumb: only give as much as you are willing to clean up!) Well even with the small amount it was accidentally spilled. She cleaned it up and it was definitely bed time before Mom wanted to explode. To focus on the positive she cleaned up the messes herself and I didn't yell. So that is worth something right :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Way to go, Ashley! I have a hard time controlling my frustration in those situations; but the few times that I do, it feels so great!