Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School

Back to School to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool....
The kids were so excited today. I didn't have to beg to get them up. A has been counting down the days, hours and minutes until school starts. He is bored of summer and wants school to start. M has caught on to her older brother's excitement. She seemed a little concerned under the surface today but hopefully it will be just fine. First day of first grade can be a little daunting. Then the shocker is that I have a Fourth grader. He had to inform me that in only a few years he will be in junior high. Quick grab the defibrillator my heart stopped! He loved the reaction and keeps repeating it seeing if the gray hairs will pop out right before his eyes. L has quickly acclimated and as soon as we walked back in the door "watch a movie!" Which was his morning routine when the kids were in school and didn't have to negotiate which movie was going to be watched.


Lanna said...

They're adorable. Is it really enough for M to wear that long coat?! I'm dying of heat and humidity here. We have another two weeks before the first day of school.

*Leslie* said...

I think I want M to be my personal stylist - look how cute she is! Hooray for school starting!

Kristen said...

Wow, the summer has flown by. My kids start next week -- mixed feeling as they all grow up. Ry will be gone all day as well -- free time, but I am a little sad as well. A and M look too cute.