Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Please watch!!!!

Take a look at this 6 min. video. A Massachusetts family's experience shows us all what is at stake in the issue of same-sex marriage. My husband and I are preparing to give "the talk" to my 8 yr old. Why on earth would a five year old need to be introduced to these lifestyles in kindergarden???? I am amazed and maybe that isn't the correct word for it, at what is taking place in this country. What I see for the future is my rights as an individual to freedom of speech and freedom of religion being taking away. Many of the reasons my ancestors fled other countries to come here.
My MIL sent this quote to me and I thought it was interesting.

"Although I am a political liberal, I believe that conservatives have a better understanding of moral development. My research confirms the common perception that liberals are experts in thinking about issues of victimization, equality, autonomy, and the rights of individuals, particularly those of minorities and nonconformists. Conservatives, on the other hand, are experts in thinking about loyalty to the group, respect for authority and tradition, and sacredness. When one side overwhelms the other, the results are likely to be ugly. A society without liberals would be harsh and oppressive to many individuals. A society without conservatives would lose many of the social structures and constraints that ... are so valuable. ( Happiness Hypothesis , pp. 178, 242)"

--Jonathan Haidt


M. Gallagher said...

Ash - thanks so much for posting this. It's really scary... I'm realizing I already need to be thinking through this stuff and how to have these tough conversations with my child and with school administration when the day comes...

Traci said...

Wow! That really is an eye-opener. Much to think about! And MA is just next door!
Preserve marriage for sure!